
S・Y さん 2009年


現在はOC Globalに戻り、海外事業に従事。相手国により異なるニーズを理解し、国内で得た技術・ノウハウにより課題解決に貢献したい。将来的には「ミスター・スズキ」と指名されるよう(笑)、信頼を勝ち取りたいと思います。


Making use of my experience in Japan and applying it abroad. Improving accuracy by consulting with experienced seniors.

In order to gain work experience, I was temporarily transferred to our sister company, Oriental Consultants, for five years. During that time, I was in charge of designing a section of the Tomei Expressway. At the beginning when I didn’t have much experience, I took my own decisions and proceeded with the design, and because of lack of time did not consult others. Later, some calculation mistakes and misunderstandings were found in my work. Due to this, some work had to be redone and it took up much more time than it should have.

Thus, I put efforts into following basic rules, such as confirming beforehand with my experienced seniors, asking questions, and checking the completed work. Even if the result is the same, if the output comes out of an examination from a broad perspective, it’ll be more convincing to the client, and as a result, lead to a more effective use of time.

Now that I am back at OC Global, I have started working on overseas projects. By understanding the different needs of each country, I would like to contribute by using the techniques and know-how I learned in Japan.